What is the Best Business Plan to Start in Odisha (Orissa)? 25 Profit-Making Projects for Entrepreneurs, Startups.
Odisha is located strategically contiguous to the states of southern, central & eastern parts of India. It has a rich heritage, a vibrant present & a huge potential for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises. State is also a treasure trove of natural resources. Access to global markets, presence of qualified human resource, robust infrastructure, stable polity and a positive business environment make the Odisha a flavoured destination for investors. Odisha is well connected by surface transport, air & water. The state has extensive rail & road network linking various growth centers. As a measure to encourage foreign airlines to start service from Odisha, the State Govt. has announced zero Value Added Tax on aviation turbine fuel.
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Types of Industries in Odisha
The Orissa Industry is going places with excellent industrial infrastructure and presence of top national and international companies. The state has witnessed an industrial upsurge due to the favorable industrial atmosphere in the state. The state government of Odisha has invited major industrial houses of the country and abroad to invest in the state. It has achieved a considerable amount of success and several prime companies have set up their plants in the state.
The entire industrial structure of the state can be divided into following categories
Large-Scale Heavy Industries
Large-Scale Industries
Small-Scale Industries
Large-Scale Heavy Industries
This segment includes the industrial units that need massive capital investment and include iron steel industry, aluminium, cement, Ferro-manganese, Ferro-chrome, steel rolling mills, fertilizer plants, Ceramic Glass, Aluminium Mines, Rare Earths, thermal, Steel Plant and power projects.
Large-Scale Industry
Paper Mills
Textile Industry
Silk Production
Sugar Mills
The state is rich in forest resources, which has prompted the growth of several forest based industrial plants. The cottage industry of Orissa includes the;
Sericulture industry
Cotton textile mills
Sugar mills
Rice mills
Small-Scale Industry
Among the other industries beverage, tobaco, gur and molasses are important. The tobaco industry is wide spread and provides employment to large number of persons.
In bidi production, the old disticts of Sambalpur, Sundargarh, Balangir, Keonjhar, Cuttack and Balasoreare important. Although Odisha has a large cattle population, it imports leather goods. The principalcentres of leather production are Boudh, Balangir, and Keonjhar. Modern tanneries have been set-up at Cuttack and Khariar Road.
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Production of inks, paints, and varnishes, soap, wood and wood products also employ a large number of persons in the towns. For Jewellery and filigree work, Cuttack and Berhampur are famous. Stone carving is important in puri. The Salt Industry is being modernised at Huma in Ganjam district and at Astarang in Puri district. The Industrial estate of Bhubaneswar has been developed at Rasulgarh and Mancheswar. The most important among these is the coach building unit at Mancheswar.
Brass industry
Tobacco industry
Aluminum utensil making plants
Economy of Odisha (Orissa)
Over 76 percent of the people are dependent on agriculture. Out of the gross cropped area of 87.46 lakh hectares, 18.79 lakh hectares are irrigated. Rice, pulses, oil seeds, jute, Mesta, sugarcane, coconut and turmeric are important crops. There are also cash crops like tea, cotton and rubber. The state contributes one-tenth of the rice production in India. Jute, gram, sesame, ragi, mustard, rape and maize are second-ranking crops in different districts. District-wise, jute ranks second in Cuttack and Balasore, gram in Puri and Phulabani and Maize in Mayurbhanj. The infrastructure for the development of industry in Orissa is available.
A combination of coal, iron ore, limestone, bauxite and a host of other minerals on the one hand and port facilities on the other are the unique features in Orissa. In addition, the bountiful forest resources and agricultural products provide ample scope for the development of forest-based and agro-based industries.
The major industries of the state include cement, aluminum, ceramicglass, chemical, fertilizer, heavy water, aeronautical industry, and Agri-based industries such as cotton textiles, sericulture, sugar mills and rice mills.
Priority Sector Means–Industrial Units Fall Within Following Categories:

Project Opportunities in Orissa:-
1. 3 Star Hotel With 2 Banquet Hall & Restaurant
2. 4 Star Hotel
3. 7 Aminocephalosporanic Acid (7 Aca)
4. Active Pharma Ingredients(api)
5. Active Pharma Ingredients (api) Amoxicillin Trihydrate, Azithromycin & Paracetamol
6. Active Pharma Ingredients (api) (cephalexin, Ampicillin Trihydrate, Ibuprofen And Paracetamol)
7. Automatic Papad Plant
8. Antiscaling Descaling Forming Chemicals
9. Automobile Tyres for Trucks, Buses and Lorries
10. Automobile Workshop
11. Aluminium Conductors (AAAC and ACSR)
12. Aluminium Die Casting
13. Aluminium Shots & Notch Bars
14. Aluminium Wire Rod
15. Atomized Aluminium Powder
16. Aluminium Circles
17. ACSR Grade Aluminium Conductors
18. AAAC Grade Aluminium Conductors
19. Aluminium Extrusion
20. Aluminium Forgings
21. Aluminium Hinges
22. Aluminium Utensils
23. Aluminium Recycling Plant
24. Aluminium Tower Bolts
25. Anodizing Plant
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